Saturday, October 25, 2008

I Tried To Fight It Off

So I went to the doctor yesterday and got some interesting, but not surprising, news. They don't know what's wrong with me. I have this rash all over my feet, legs, hands and elbows and they don't know what to attribute it to. I also have some absesses (sp?) on my legs, but apparently those are just infections so I'm on an antibiotic (Clindamycin) to fix that.

The fun part is, I get to go to a bunch of specialists to figure this mystery rash out. The dermatologist on Monday, the endocrinologist at the end of November (who knew there was such a long wait for one of those?), and the rheumatologist whenever I make the appointment.

The rash isnt even the part I have a problem with. Sure it itches for a few days, but that fades. I just feel so tired and weak. I've never felt weak in my life. It's quite disconcerting. I feel sick, which is new as well. Sure I've felt nauseous from time to time, but that's not what I mean. I feel like my body is trying to fix me and it's annoying. I'm lethargic and my muscles hurt now, which I was supposed to call my doctor if that happened but seeing as it's saturday I'll have to wait until monday.

My mom is being wierd and annoying, but my sister has taken to calling me her "sick angel" and I find that highly amusing.

I guess the only thing I'm hoping for is that when they figure this out, it's not an ailment that will last my entire life. I don't want to have to take medication everyday until I die.

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