Thursday, March 11, 2010

We Were the Victims of Ourselves

I have an update on the arrest situation. First, I'll let you in on what I've done so far:
  • We went to our local DMV, the man at the counter deferred me to a hearing officer who was a royal jackass. He sent me to a DMV a little further away who were supposedly able to reinstate my license.
  • They couldn't. They suggested I see the hearing officer. I let them know that I had and that I had no intention of going back to him. So they sent me to another county's courthouse to get new papers to prove my license should be reinstated.
  • My mom and I drove there where we got new papers. I was told to take them into the city because that was the only office that would accept them.
  • They told us that my license WASN'T suspended and refused my fee money. They told us that I just need SR22 insurance.
  • We got the insurance and they kicked it back, stating I didn't need it.
  • So...
After driving all over God's green earth trying to figure out how to fix the problem, my mother and I got in touch with a family friend who is a manager at the DMV to see what he could find out for us. Apparently, when you get your learner's permit they intentionally enter some information wrong so that when you get your license the system prompts the DMV employee to ask for your SS#.

When I got my last ticket, whoever entered my information at the courthouse entered it wrong, into my learner's permit file. This created 2 separate files for me. This is what caused the confusion. This is why every agency (and sometimes different people in the same agency) told me something different.

Thank God our friend got my files combined and the insurance submitted. However, when I gave him my reinstatement papers, he noticed that the woman who gave them to me wrote that my ticket was vacated on 6-23-10. That's all well and good except I wasn't driving a Delorean. She had also put the wrong driver's license # on it. He told me I had to go back to the courthouse for new papers.

Which is what I did today. Just as we were leaving, I noticed that I only got papers for one of two tickets. SO, after getting all the papers I needed and triple checking that they were correct, we went to the nearest DMV to pay the reinstatement fee. The woman there told me that they didn't take vacated reinstatements so I have to take them downtown.

I'll hopefully be doing that tomorrow and all this hell will be behind me.

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