Sunday, October 24, 2010

One and One Makes Two, Two and One Make Three

Last night, I had not one, but two near accidents. The first happened while I was on my way to meet my boyfriend for dinner on his break. It was pouring buckets of rain. I came up to a red light near his work and a bolt of lightening shot down and struck the light pole right next to me. It startled me so much I was shaking all the way to pick him up.

After dinner I had relaxed and put the lightning behind me. As I was leaving the parking lot, a small bus hauled ass around the corner of the building and I had to slam on the brakes to avoid a head on collision.

During my brief but nervous ride home, I kept wondering what else was going to go wrong tonight. These things come in threes, as they say. I did make it home without any more incident. I was glad to be home, in my bed.

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