Friday, May 16, 2008

To Where You Are

Today the world lost a great asset. That's all there is to it.

One of the greatest teachers my school has ever seen died this morning after being ill on and off for years. He was my freshmen year homeroom teacher, his last homeroom. I dont know why, but he took a liking to me that year. Ever since if he saw me in the hallway he would say, "How's it goin' Kate?" He was the only teacher who I ever told to called me that after the first time I asked him to. It took them time to get to know me, but he made sure he pinned me the first day and I respect that. He never missed a beat either. If I was having an off day, he always made sure to talk to me. He was a caring man, and alot of people didnt realize that. He came off so gruff and angry that few people saw the guardian that he was. Everything that man did was all for someone else. I never saw him do one selfish thing in four years. If you were slipping in his class he made sure you caught up, if you were doing well he made sure you knew he knew.

Losing him is going to be one of the greatest losses this institution has or will ever face. There are no replacements, no equals. He cared with every bone in his intimidating, loving body. He was a coach, a mentor, a teacher, an ally and a friend. I will miss him and I know how much the incoming freshmen will be missing out on.

I decided I'm not going to cry or fall apart. He wouldnt have thought that was right. Maybe I should just go sit on someone in his memory. :D

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