Friday, June 5, 2009

Boys Boys Boys, We Love Them

On the good news front:
  • My son-of-a-bitch, panda-ass whore of a boss was transferred
  • I'm gonna watch some chillens this summer
  • tan!
  • Makin some $$$

Today, I went to work and it wasn't so bad. More people came to see Hangover than I expected. Sooo glad I didn't have to close. Altogether a good day, even though it started with some groggy crabiness.

Stuff Katie wants to do this summer:

  • Fill up her diary
  • Go to concerts
  • At least one out of state roadtrip
  • Boy(s)?
  • Get into college
  • Save some lettuce
  • Swim at least once a week
  • Remember to tell the people she loves that she loves them
  • Paint something that actually looks like she has talent
  • Be more honest

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