Friday, April 20, 2012

About a Girl

Recently, my sister dyed my hair. Somehow after nearly 3 years of trying, I have finally settled on a color I love. My natural one.

The first time I dyed my hair was ill advised. I tried for blonde and then got talked into these preposterous highlights. I was going through some huge changes in my life and I think this was one of the manifestations of that. Since then, I tried going back to natural only to dye again. I did have something kind of red going for a while too.

So I decided I was fed up with the seesawing and had my sister dye the colored part of my hair as close to natural as we guessed we could using drugstore dye. It worked. It is (almost) perfectly matched. You could only tell the difference if you were looking for it.

That is symbolic for my feelings about my life right now, but I won't say why. :P

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