Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Know One Day We Will Sleep For Days

I had some massivly fricked up dreams last night.

  1. I kiss a tall blonde guy, but no, not the one you are thinking of. Not any of you. You are all wrong. It was totally uncalled for. I was reading in bed this morning and wham! I remembered it. It was actually kind of funny because he told me I did it wrong.
  2. This other dream wasn't bad at all, it was just odd. I must be reading way too much. I was in the car with my mom and she pulls up to this house I've never seen before and we go in and there is the guy I like and his whole family. Turns out he and his sister are some...I don't really know the word for it. Like not human......I don't know...spirit things....guardians sorta....I'm as lost as you are. My mother totally loves the lot of them and is mad I never told her. Yeah we know where this dream is going.

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