Monday, March 3, 2008

My Sweetest Downfall

Life Pros:
  • I'm alive
  • I laugh alot
  • I'm loved
  • my hair is getting longer
  • I figured out who my friends are
  • my art project looks boss
  • I'm reading some good books
  • my family is around, and there for me. (even if they piss me off with concern)
  • my spring break will be awesome no matter what happens
  • it's getting warm out
  • I'm home alone

Life Cons:

  • I'm sick (again)
  • someone is telling secrets
  • I'm behind in school
  • I dont have my own car anymore
  • I'm poor
  • my room is messy
  • I dont know where I'm going to school
  • I'm home alone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha someone is telling secrets. what are they telling you to do. ignore the voices, they dont control you anymore.