Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another Turning Point

I've realized today that this little portion of my life, this summer, is the doorway. I'm not in high school or college. I'm crossing that threshhold in my life. Obviously it's not the only one, and I'm not the only one in one. It's just wierd to be totally undefined by an institution, even for a short period of time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Now If She Does It Like This Will You Do It Like That?

I've noticed that when you go through one major life milestone people start to ask about all your other ones. Probably because these are cause for reconnection. Since my recent graduation people have been peppering me with questions.
  1. Where are you going?
  2. What are you studying?
  3. Why? Why? Why?
  4. What do you want to do?
  5. Why do you have so much attitude?
  6. So are you engaged yet? (interesting, to me anyway)
  7. Do you have a boyfriend?
  8. Do you have a job?
  9. Where?
  10. How much do you make?
  11. Why are you still there?

What sort of rights do they think they have? I find it quite interesting that people I rarely or never talk to feel themselves to be worthy of the details of my life. Oh and it gets better. They have an opinion on all of it. That's the kicker.

Sometimes I wonder if somewhere someone decided I owe some allegiance to these people. Like I have to pay them a tithing of my life. Like they have some kind of ownership of me. Obviously human beings are relational and perhaps they are trying to cultivate some kind of rapport with me, but when I tell them all of this and they form an opinion, it's all for nothing. They go home after the cake and presents and forget or write off the events of the day. Or even better. They pass on everything to people I am 100% sure I have no ties to. Days later, I get some report from my mom of my aunt's coworker's daughter's life and how it relates to mine and what I should do similarly/differently to hers.

I know what you are waiting for, though. You want the answers too, right? Of course, human beings are curious. So here goes.

  1. Harper College
  2. Something math related, or science.
  3. I'm good at it.
  4. I want to be a doctor one day.
  5. It's both a defense mechanism and a source of entertainment for me.
  6. No. Although that would make my life so Days of our Lives it's not even funny.
  7. Nope. Not for lack of effort.
  8. Yeah.
  9. A movie theatre.
  10. $7.50 an hour.
  11. How should I know? My friends I guess.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Why Won't You Have ... Me?

You Know:

S.O.S. Please, Someone Help Me

Ok, if you've ever seen Dane Cook's bit about the DMV, you'll understand the last 3 hellish days of my life. Just in case you haven't seen it, I'll provide it. You know that feeling he describes at about 57 seconds? Yeah. Imagine that for about 8 hours.

It's over and I'm $436.50 richer for 3 days of work. When they ask me to come back next year, I'm just going to throw my head back, laugh, and hang up. No Second Thoughts.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Without the Sour the Sweet Wouldn't Taste

Alright school's officially out and I've lost that "Leaping Lizards, It's Summer" feeling. That's not to say I'm unhappy with my summer, I'm just being much more responsible than I envisioned. For example, I have a 40+ hour work week, but I get to play with kids all day. Crazy kids, but kids none the less. Or. It's hot as hades outside, but the storms are so wonderful I could lay out in the rain for hours.

Also, I've discovered that cleaning is very cathartic. I've never enjoyed organizing so much in my entire life. In this magical sea of discoveries, I've also noticed that I have way too many shoes. It's nearing disgusting. They are all, of course, beautiful shoes, but there are just so many. I've created quite the Goodwill pile as well. Lots of clothes. Not nasty old gross clothes, alot of them are nearly brand new. Which disgusts me even more that I never wore them. Some thrifty cool person will buy them and enjoy them, I'm sure.

In addition, I have sunburn. It doesn't hurt, but it does feel like it's officially completely summer. So tommorow I'll have some sweet tan lines and feel all teenagery. Speaking of, I need some teenager time. I am either surrounded by kids or adults. Where are all my peeps?

Party tommorow! I need to go clean...pish.