Monday, December 17, 2007

good day ~ why do all my posts have Tally Hall references?

so today was a good day. yeah im confused too. haha. ok not really. it was just one of those days when you feel like you just brushed your teeth, but it lasts the whole day. you know that feeling you have right after you brushed those pearly whites and you know you could take on the world and win.

the wierd part is that the way it started off was kinda sucky, but i liked it. i got up at that ungodly hour and got out of bed late, and unrested. i call the kids and tell them to put their shoes on while im rummaging through everything trying to find my skirt. so i throw on my new grey tights and my awesome navy skirt, find my gray polo and throw on the berks. oh great the kids are watching some dumb show about dinosaurs and i have to be the bad guy and pull them away from it. then as they are finally listening, im getting my books together and saying goodmorning i get some goodmornings i wasnt expecting.

then we all get in the car a cool half an hour late, but miraculously, there is no traffic. OH MY GOD. amazing. so im hauling down the highway and i can tell my tire is flat, but there is no stopping now. i drop the kids at the babysitters and im on time to my parking spot. miracle again. so i get out of the car, get my bags, and surge out into the blizzardy bliss for two blocks. not entirely bad mainly because me and snow are the best of buds.

so i get onto my school grounds by crossing from the end of a cul-de-sac to the school drive. of course its been plowed and there is that little mound of snow on the edge of the roads. i cleverly use a drive way on the cul-de-sac to avoid the first, but oh no there is the second. just to put this in perspective, ive been walking for two blocks concentrating all my will on not slipping and not getting snow in my clogs. this small snow mountain is my worst enemy at the moment. so i see that i cant just step over the snow mountain, i must mount the beast. so i take the step and oh thank you jesus it holds. for a second. so down plunges my tight and clog clad foot into two and half feet of frigid hell. i quickly step out and as soon as i think im home free, i slip.

it is probably the single most graceful fall ive ever had. i didnt make some obnoxious noise, i didnt fall in a wierd position. it was the chain of miracles again. i laugh and i get up and proceed to the last gym class of the semester where all that awaits me is a badminton test. of course i breeze through it. duh its badminton. i get out of the class first because im first done and i get up to my locker and put my stuff away, finish my biotechnology homework and eat my muffin. good freaking morning.

i spent all of english talking to some frizzles while im supposed to be studying for half of my final tommorow. they said i need to write a book on my life. they would buy it, score for 3 copies sold! i had forgotten to do my government homework so i throw together one of the most awesome responsible citizenship poster ever, my teacher is even impressed. little does she know....then im off to world religions where i get to listen to my old spanish teacher's husband discuss Islam. quite enlightening. art was actually tolerable, my pot is almost done, im naming it the beast. it is quite beastly. math was good, my teacher let me leave to register to vote for the primaries. christian lifestyles half sucked, half interesting. biotechnology, well we watched a movie about Watson, half of Watson and Crick the pair that discovered the double helix, he is crazy. he said:
Some people say we are playing god. Well I have a straightforward answer. If we dont play god, who will?

i messed around in the hall for about 20 mins and even got a ride to my car. oh rapture. i dont know why it was such a good day, but it was.

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