Tuesday, December 11, 2007

snow, plans, and other things that im having fun with

soooo today I got an ice day, like a snow day but with freezing rain. Who knew you could be happy it was going to freezing rain? well never say never. I have a feeling its gonna be a good day.

so I looked outside and there is all this snow waiting to be played, huzzah.

tree decorating today, all 3 of them. obnoxious much? does it matter because its christmas time and everything is obnoxious? pics to follow?

ive discovered in this post that i have ADD, thats new. :D

so far, this has been my day:
  • wake up in a panic thinking im late for school
  • see the text from my best friend telling me about the "ice day"
  • rejoicing
  • more sleep
  • i roll out of bed when my little sister asks if i would go pick up her friend 20 mins away
  • i say no and grab some cereal
  • i log on
  • listen to some rock, as i should always be
  • log on
  • chit chat
  • blog
  • im contemplating either hot chocolate or a shower, im torn

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