Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hey Drummer Boy! I Need a Drumroll Please.

So here I am, it's December 23rd. Im not worried, Im not concerned. Im downright terrified of the next 2 days. I think I might be a Christmas failure. There are 9 people in my immediate family. Guess how many gifts I have for them. Oh that's right, none. Frickers! Usually I hate the last minute shoppers and now I join their ranks. Quite the demotion, let me assure you.

I might be able to get in on a few of my sister's gifts, but she is giving a ton of people crocs and I just can't be a part of that. Say I do get in on a few of hers, that still leaves all of my siblings and my dad. Why God, why?

Solutions! Tommorow's agenda is something I can work with. I have breakfast at my grandma's and then I can shop for a few hours. I'm magical with power shopping so I should be ok. Then if I hurry I can still make it to church, then off to work for about 2 hours, change and look awesome for the rest of Christmas Eve with the Irishmen. It's gonna be tricky, but honestly, I'm so much better under pressure. ( ahh Billy Joel how I love thee).

Let's talk about how it's going to work clotheswise. Now Im not like every other girl in the sense that I put on an outfit for the day and that's it. That is what I'm wearing. Tommorow is going to be a ton different. Hopefully I can pull off pjs to breakfast, then casual, then work, then dressy. *sigh* I dont wanna. Whatever.

Am I making any sense at all? I havent all day and I dont think Im any better. Maybe it was all the drugs for the sickness, maybe it is my natural oddities. Either way, I was probably unfit for work. Yeah, work was a bad choice. I get there at 9:20. So 20 minutes late, oops. The janitors got locked out so they are cleaning as Im opening. Well kinda. Opening was bad. Im horrible at it as it is, but today was a complete joke. I'm all messed up because I medicated myself numb, and the popper is broken and the manager I have at my disposal is mediocre at best. Thank God, there are more people coming in at 10. They get there and my manager assures me I'll get off early because I'm sick and we wont be busy. liar.

I spent 8 hours in that theatre half lucid and in charge. Finally some crew leaders get there to take over the delegation aspect and one is laughing at how I am making no sense and the other keeps telling me I look funny. Little do they know, I'm actually a ton better than I was yesterday. Just still sucky. haha.

I get through my shift and come home, all I ask is that my mom brings me a shirt for under my dress and she comes home with the last thing I want. Of course I was upset. I have had a really trying day and she comes home with this and it pushes me over. She thinks that it's only the shirt, but really its everything. Things I'll tell her, things I wont.

Right now, I am the epitome of emotionally drained and now I'm all emo. hurrah. I just want to feel better because for the next 2 weeks, I'll be going nonstop. Tommorow is Christmas Eve, the most intense family day for me of the year. Then its off to my dad's family after I do Christmas morning with my mom. Then I have work until close *dies* I get wednsday off, but really, I have to pack for Wisconsin. Then work, then well, Wisconsin. Before I know it, it's 2008. Another year, that many more things I have to do. I'll bet anything it's going to be one of the best years of my life though. Silver lining baby.

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