Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Finals to date:
  • half of precalc/trig
  • both halves of World Literature
  • US Government

Finals tommorow:

  • World Religions
  • Art 4
  • other half of precalc/trig

I've breezed through the ones I've done, and I'm not worried about tommorow. good or bad? I'm going with good.

So today was a good day. I got up, all of us were on time, I had tons of witty banter and I had time for breakfast. HOLY CRAP. what a wonderous morn.

My english final was bliss, I finished in half the time and got some good old reading done. Government was slightly more challenging, but easy none the less.

That's over, I pack my bag with things I'm supposedly going to study, but know I'm not going to anyway. teehee. Me and my prima favorita and my best bud head on over to Wendy's and wait for my sister's finals to be over. slight bump in the day when I had to kick my other cousin and her friend out of my car for trying to bum a ride from me without asking. gah.

I drop my sister at home and change, my cousin gets changed and we head off to the mall. oh happy day I love the mall. after a quick tet-a-tet, or however you spell it, with my friends boss about making sure a DVD is reserved for me, I'm off to go find a Christmas dress. I hit about one store when I get a call from my dear friend about said DVD. She wants to go pick it up with me so off we trot back to the store and have more witty banter and maybe some flirting with a different boss. huzzah.

Then comes the crushing realization that none of the stores I like have dresses I like. Then we get to the Gap and there it is, as if it has been waiting for me all day. It's red, it's adorable, it fits, it's mine.

a trip to Mrs. Fields, home.

today was so chill for a finals day, it's almost like someone sucked all the stress away. sweet.

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