Friday, December 21, 2007

insert witty title here

so today was the final final day. You would think that the school would recognize it, but it's wierd when you have a Christian Lifestyles final and then ten minutes later be taking a Biotechnology final. I'm not complaining, it's just odd feeling. You go from what makes a marriage valid to DNA polymerase.

I think that pretty much sums up my mind though.

Ok, let me back up a little. I was talking to my cousin and I said, "Lela, I think people think I'm wierder than I actually am." It's because I'll say something, but wont explain my reasons and they a) get all confused or b) think I'm ADD.

Case in point: I was talking to my mom when we were looking at houses and she points out an English basement and comments on how much she likes them. If you dont know what an English basement is, look it up. I say that I dont like them and dont want to live in a house with one. This was almost 7 years ago. So about a year ago she goes,
"Katie, I never realized why you didnt want an English basement because I always thought the extra windows made basements less creepy, but I just realized why you said that. It's because of tornadoes."
uhh duh. We live in freaking Illinois, why would you want a nearly groundlevel basement? So for seven years she just thought I was some sort of architectural racist, when in reality I was just looking out for the safety of my family, go figure. haha.

So now should I just make sure everything is totally clear instead of assuming people are smart enough to get it? Then I would just end up babbling on and on about why this and why that and end up being some long winded annoying girl.

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