Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Commercialism Purged All Over Me and I Love It

So thankfully I survived Christmas, so far. Oh there is more, but that comes later. I shall catalogue all my gifts. Seems a little shallow, but I have to keep them straight so I might as well have written a list.

Gifts of Plenty:
  • Zune from santa
  • Ben Folds Five dvd from my cousin
  • Dashboard Jesus, cousin
  • Knight of Ni bobblehead, cousin
  • videocamera, aunt and uncle
  • lotion, brother's girlfriend, aunt, other aunt
  • Minutes to Midnight (linkin park), santa
  • pajamas, mom, grandma, aunt
  • sweaters, grandma, other grandma, greatgrandma
  • Caroline Kennedy's book A Family Christmas
  • alarm clock, nice try santa, im on to you
  • Moulin Rouge dvd
  • scarf, sister, neighbors, uncle
  • socks, aunt, grandma, other aunt
  • jewelry, brother, grandma, aunt and family
  • shirt, stepmom, cousin
  • the book Vampire Beach, brother
  • a pooping penguin candy dispenser, uncle (lmao)
  • Vampire Diaries, sister
  • body shimmer, aunt and uncle, grandma
  • t-shirt and hat with my last name as a university, grandpa
  • Rebel Angels, A Great and Terrible Beauty, The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, stepmom
  • sapphire, diamond, and gold earrings, grandma
  • scrunchies, grandma
  • picture holder, grandma
  • Bath and Body Works gift card, aunt
  • Delia's giftcard, aunt
  • Border's giftcard, brother
  • money, grandma
  • mp3 player speakers, cousin
  • candy, santa, grandma
  • lap desk, stepmom and dad
  • love and affection, everyone yay

I probably forgot some stuff, but I'll remember later and add it with the gifts to come.

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