Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music

So today I am sick. Like I want to crawl into a hole and die sick. I woke up on the couch this morning because my dad and his wife like to put crap on my bed while I'm gone during the week. This time it was a packed Rubbermaid container and a huge TV. Suffice to say I wasnt going to move it and my dad was away. God forbid the little queenie in the house touch something that doesnt directly benefit her. So there I am on the 10 year old sectional with a blazing christmas tree glaring at me all night.

I wake up and my throat is a fiery inferno and my head is being vice gripped. My little brother decides to jump on me to wake me up, not that I mind, he is so cute. I get up and walk around, fold up my blankets and put them away. Say goodmorning to my brother before he leaves.

My sister is having this little crisis because I have to leave to go to a party and she wants to stay, sad for her I'm her ride. Oh joyous day. I call my dad and he agrees to take her home tommorow. I realize I'm way too sick to get my party on and call mi amiga to tell her the sad news.

Then I crawl into my couch to await my inevitable death, sweet relief. I call my mom and she is just thrilled I'm sick for christmas. yeah me too mom. I take some ibuprofen and tell her I'll be home when it kicks in. It does so just when this huge luminous fog rolls in, and madre doesnt want me to drive. terrific. So I sleep for a bit on the darn couch and await the departure of the fog so I can drive.

Finally it leaves and I'm out the door. Just as my brother comes home. I never get to see him anymore. darners. I drive home and the fog isn't really gone, it was just fooling me, but the eeriness of the drive was actually really cool. I get home, alone, no food. Why so blue panda bear? Did I seriously just quote a Milky Way commercial? wow. I'm awesome.

So what do I do? I go to bed. Then there is waking up about 3 hours later to the realization my pain killers wore off. huzzah. I get up and call my stepdad and ask him to bring me some food. Then back to bed, my mom wakes me up and asks if I want to go to a party with them. NO. So many awkward possibilities, so little time.

Unable to fall back asleep, I wander downstairs. They left the TV on. Mary Poppins! The day is looking up. So I watch it sporadically between random bursts of sleep. Then I start thinking about Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. Then I'm humming "Favorite Things" and now I'm thinking about my favorite things because mittens certainly arent one of them.

My Favorite Things:
  • puppies
  • clean sheets
  • snowflakes
  • random texts
  • music
  • a good, long book
  • hugs, even when they dont know im not happy
  • that feeling when you realize something about someone that you though wasnt true, in a good way (?)
  • essays (oh yeah)
  • music
  • little kids
  • tights
  • people who actually care about other people
  • disney movies, preferably of the princess variety, although Bambi is awesome
  • music
  • concert going
  • new book smell
  • paychecks
  • a clean room
  • parakeets
  • softlips chapstick
  • music
  • when people understand what I mean when there is no sense in my words
  • music
  • boys
  • music
  • music

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mittens are my life, how can you say that
darn this world

Mittens be not cowardly, though some have called thee
Warm and fuzzy, for thou art not so;
You’re stuck on hands with sweat that continues to grow.
Rubber-self forced to clean toilets profusely.
Some of your kind are even used in surgery.
The constant problem of the troublesome Velcro,
You’re a fraction being subjugated to a zero.
You’re up people’s noses in slime, being germy.
Painting is fun, but not when the paint is on you.
Burned, from removing things from the hot oven sun.
The many tasks that seem like they’ll never be done,
Try to conquer all and be finished and through.
One day all mittens will see the day when they’re free,
Be brave mittens, stand up and take no more.