Friday, December 28, 2007

I Don't Want to Grow Up, I'm a Toys R Us Kid

You know those days when you feel all grown up and responsible and blah blah blah daily grind for life? I was having one of those days today until one simple question brought me back to happy little Katie times.
"Are you playing Monopoly with us?" - Jack
It was like shooom! I'm 8 again. As far as history goes, I've been hanging with the same 3 people for about 12 years. It's me, Becca, Jordon, and Jack. 12 whole years of weekends. At first those weekends consisted of me and Becca riding our bikes and playing with Barbies while the boys did silly cootie boy things. Slowly it progressed to going to the park and swimming in Jack's pool. From there we played football and made forts to playing Star Wars Monopoly and watching movies in my basement. Now we hang, go out, vacation, anything together.

I'm not going to lie, I missed the Monopoly days. They were simple and easy, hilarious and fun. Over the years there have been secondary group members, but always the same core people. I think sometimes people didnt get it, they didnt understand how we all (3 siblings, and a neighbor) got along so well. Honestly, I'm not sure. We are us and we are forever.

I'm not going to say we are close, we have our pairings for that, but we have each other's backs. We can stay up and talk or not talk at all, we can criticize and not be disregarded, we can be ourselves and not worry about being judged.

These are the people I can have mud fights with and not feel like an idiot, I can actually be an idiot and not worry. It's nice to have a place to be a kid even when everywhere else you have to be a grown up.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Commercialism Purged All Over Me and I Love It

So thankfully I survived Christmas, so far. Oh there is more, but that comes later. I shall catalogue all my gifts. Seems a little shallow, but I have to keep them straight so I might as well have written a list.

Gifts of Plenty:
  • Zune from santa
  • Ben Folds Five dvd from my cousin
  • Dashboard Jesus, cousin
  • Knight of Ni bobblehead, cousin
  • videocamera, aunt and uncle
  • lotion, brother's girlfriend, aunt, other aunt
  • Minutes to Midnight (linkin park), santa
  • pajamas, mom, grandma, aunt
  • sweaters, grandma, other grandma, greatgrandma
  • Caroline Kennedy's book A Family Christmas
  • alarm clock, nice try santa, im on to you
  • Moulin Rouge dvd
  • scarf, sister, neighbors, uncle
  • socks, aunt, grandma, other aunt
  • jewelry, brother, grandma, aunt and family
  • shirt, stepmom, cousin
  • the book Vampire Beach, brother
  • a pooping penguin candy dispenser, uncle (lmao)
  • Vampire Diaries, sister
  • body shimmer, aunt and uncle, grandma
  • t-shirt and hat with my last name as a university, grandpa
  • Rebel Angels, A Great and Terrible Beauty, The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, stepmom
  • sapphire, diamond, and gold earrings, grandma
  • scrunchies, grandma
  • picture holder, grandma
  • Bath and Body Works gift card, aunt
  • Delia's giftcard, aunt
  • Border's giftcard, brother
  • money, grandma
  • mp3 player speakers, cousin
  • candy, santa, grandma
  • lap desk, stepmom and dad
  • love and affection, everyone yay

I probably forgot some stuff, but I'll remember later and add it with the gifts to come.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hey Drummer Boy! I Need a Drumroll Please.

So here I am, it's December 23rd. Im not worried, Im not concerned. Im downright terrified of the next 2 days. I think I might be a Christmas failure. There are 9 people in my immediate family. Guess how many gifts I have for them. Oh that's right, none. Frickers! Usually I hate the last minute shoppers and now I join their ranks. Quite the demotion, let me assure you.

I might be able to get in on a few of my sister's gifts, but she is giving a ton of people crocs and I just can't be a part of that. Say I do get in on a few of hers, that still leaves all of my siblings and my dad. Why God, why?

Solutions! Tommorow's agenda is something I can work with. I have breakfast at my grandma's and then I can shop for a few hours. I'm magical with power shopping so I should be ok. Then if I hurry I can still make it to church, then off to work for about 2 hours, change and look awesome for the rest of Christmas Eve with the Irishmen. It's gonna be tricky, but honestly, I'm so much better under pressure. ( ahh Billy Joel how I love thee).

Let's talk about how it's going to work clotheswise. Now Im not like every other girl in the sense that I put on an outfit for the day and that's it. That is what I'm wearing. Tommorow is going to be a ton different. Hopefully I can pull off pjs to breakfast, then casual, then work, then dressy. *sigh* I dont wanna. Whatever.

Am I making any sense at all? I havent all day and I dont think Im any better. Maybe it was all the drugs for the sickness, maybe it is my natural oddities. Either way, I was probably unfit for work. Yeah, work was a bad choice. I get there at 9:20. So 20 minutes late, oops. The janitors got locked out so they are cleaning as Im opening. Well kinda. Opening was bad. Im horrible at it as it is, but today was a complete joke. I'm all messed up because I medicated myself numb, and the popper is broken and the manager I have at my disposal is mediocre at best. Thank God, there are more people coming in at 10. They get there and my manager assures me I'll get off early because I'm sick and we wont be busy. liar.

I spent 8 hours in that theatre half lucid and in charge. Finally some crew leaders get there to take over the delegation aspect and one is laughing at how I am making no sense and the other keeps telling me I look funny. Little do they know, I'm actually a ton better than I was yesterday. Just still sucky. haha.

I get through my shift and come home, all I ask is that my mom brings me a shirt for under my dress and she comes home with the last thing I want. Of course I was upset. I have had a really trying day and she comes home with this and it pushes me over. She thinks that it's only the shirt, but really its everything. Things I'll tell her, things I wont.

Right now, I am the epitome of emotionally drained and now I'm all emo. hurrah. I just want to feel better because for the next 2 weeks, I'll be going nonstop. Tommorow is Christmas Eve, the most intense family day for me of the year. Then its off to my dad's family after I do Christmas morning with my mom. Then I have work until close *dies* I get wednsday off, but really, I have to pack for Wisconsin. Then work, then well, Wisconsin. Before I know it, it's 2008. Another year, that many more things I have to do. I'll bet anything it's going to be one of the best years of my life though. Silver lining baby.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music

So today I am sick. Like I want to crawl into a hole and die sick. I woke up on the couch this morning because my dad and his wife like to put crap on my bed while I'm gone during the week. This time it was a packed Rubbermaid container and a huge TV. Suffice to say I wasnt going to move it and my dad was away. God forbid the little queenie in the house touch something that doesnt directly benefit her. So there I am on the 10 year old sectional with a blazing christmas tree glaring at me all night.

I wake up and my throat is a fiery inferno and my head is being vice gripped. My little brother decides to jump on me to wake me up, not that I mind, he is so cute. I get up and walk around, fold up my blankets and put them away. Say goodmorning to my brother before he leaves.

My sister is having this little crisis because I have to leave to go to a party and she wants to stay, sad for her I'm her ride. Oh joyous day. I call my dad and he agrees to take her home tommorow. I realize I'm way too sick to get my party on and call mi amiga to tell her the sad news.

Then I crawl into my couch to await my inevitable death, sweet relief. I call my mom and she is just thrilled I'm sick for christmas. yeah me too mom. I take some ibuprofen and tell her I'll be home when it kicks in. It does so just when this huge luminous fog rolls in, and madre doesnt want me to drive. terrific. So I sleep for a bit on the darn couch and await the departure of the fog so I can drive.

Finally it leaves and I'm out the door. Just as my brother comes home. I never get to see him anymore. darners. I drive home and the fog isn't really gone, it was just fooling me, but the eeriness of the drive was actually really cool. I get home, alone, no food. Why so blue panda bear? Did I seriously just quote a Milky Way commercial? wow. I'm awesome.

So what do I do? I go to bed. Then there is waking up about 3 hours later to the realization my pain killers wore off. huzzah. I get up and call my stepdad and ask him to bring me some food. Then back to bed, my mom wakes me up and asks if I want to go to a party with them. NO. So many awkward possibilities, so little time.

Unable to fall back asleep, I wander downstairs. They left the TV on. Mary Poppins! The day is looking up. So I watch it sporadically between random bursts of sleep. Then I start thinking about Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. Then I'm humming "Favorite Things" and now I'm thinking about my favorite things because mittens certainly arent one of them.

My Favorite Things:
  • puppies
  • clean sheets
  • snowflakes
  • random texts
  • music
  • a good, long book
  • hugs, even when they dont know im not happy
  • that feeling when you realize something about someone that you though wasnt true, in a good way (?)
  • essays (oh yeah)
  • music
  • little kids
  • tights
  • people who actually care about other people
  • disney movies, preferably of the princess variety, although Bambi is awesome
  • music
  • concert going
  • new book smell
  • paychecks
  • a clean room
  • parakeets
  • softlips chapstick
  • music
  • when people understand what I mean when there is no sense in my words
  • music
  • boys
  • music
  • music

Friday, December 21, 2007

insert witty title here

so today was the final final day. You would think that the school would recognize it, but it's wierd when you have a Christian Lifestyles final and then ten minutes later be taking a Biotechnology final. I'm not complaining, it's just odd feeling. You go from what makes a marriage valid to DNA polymerase.

I think that pretty much sums up my mind though.

Ok, let me back up a little. I was talking to my cousin and I said, "Lela, I think people think I'm wierder than I actually am." It's because I'll say something, but wont explain my reasons and they a) get all confused or b) think I'm ADD.

Case in point: I was talking to my mom when we were looking at houses and she points out an English basement and comments on how much she likes them. If you dont know what an English basement is, look it up. I say that I dont like them and dont want to live in a house with one. This was almost 7 years ago. So about a year ago she goes,
"Katie, I never realized why you didnt want an English basement because I always thought the extra windows made basements less creepy, but I just realized why you said that. It's because of tornadoes."
uhh duh. We live in freaking Illinois, why would you want a nearly groundlevel basement? So for seven years she just thought I was some sort of architectural racist, when in reality I was just looking out for the safety of my family, go figure. haha.

So now should I just make sure everything is totally clear instead of assuming people are smart enough to get it? Then I would just end up babbling on and on about why this and why that and end up being some long winded annoying girl.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Finals to date:
  • half of precalc/trig
  • both halves of World Literature
  • US Government

Finals tommorow:

  • World Religions
  • Art 4
  • other half of precalc/trig

I've breezed through the ones I've done, and I'm not worried about tommorow. good or bad? I'm going with good.

So today was a good day. I got up, all of us were on time, I had tons of witty banter and I had time for breakfast. HOLY CRAP. what a wonderous morn.

My english final was bliss, I finished in half the time and got some good old reading done. Government was slightly more challenging, but easy none the less.

That's over, I pack my bag with things I'm supposedly going to study, but know I'm not going to anyway. teehee. Me and my prima favorita and my best bud head on over to Wendy's and wait for my sister's finals to be over. slight bump in the day when I had to kick my other cousin and her friend out of my car for trying to bum a ride from me without asking. gah.

I drop my sister at home and change, my cousin gets changed and we head off to the mall. oh happy day I love the mall. after a quick tet-a-tet, or however you spell it, with my friends boss about making sure a DVD is reserved for me, I'm off to go find a Christmas dress. I hit about one store when I get a call from my dear friend about said DVD. She wants to go pick it up with me so off we trot back to the store and have more witty banter and maybe some flirting with a different boss. huzzah.

Then comes the crushing realization that none of the stores I like have dresses I like. Then we get to the Gap and there it is, as if it has been waiting for me all day. It's red, it's adorable, it fits, it's mine.

a trip to Mrs. Fields, home.

today was so chill for a finals day, it's almost like someone sucked all the stress away. sweet.

Mad Scientists of Today and Tommorow

so yesterday in Biotechnology we are finishing the move Pandora's Box and it's all about Jim Watson and his views on genetic engineering and purification and whatnot of the future. Now if you've ever seen the man you'd immediatly notice that he is slightly creepy. I don't know if it's that he is old or that everytime he says something he finds profound he gives you this wide-eyed "hey I'm a genius and I just blew your mind" look. Either way, I find him both smart and creepy.

In my last post I quoted him, and here I shall quote him further:
"We're playing god, but that's an awefully good thing to do."
Am I the only one seeing an issue with that? Whether or not you beleive in God or gods, I think the fact that he is, in fact, aiming to be a godlike being is rediculous.

To just give some background, the whole movie was really about Eugenics, it is this idea of purifying the gene pool. Now that sounds wrong in many ways, but ideally it isn't supposed to be. The aims of eugenics are to eliminate disease, hereditary in nature. Things like sickle cell anemia and manic depression could essentially be weeded out of the world.

There have been, however, some extremely disgusting cases of botched eugenics in the past. The most widely known one being the experiments done by the Nazi party in Germany. Their goal, duh, was to create a pure Aryan race. They tried changing eye color and hair color in sick, twisted, and dangerous experiments.

Watson argues, though, that instead of just having children with cystic fibrosis or hemophelia, parents could choose to not let these genes be reproduced. (here is the biggie) His solution to what parents would see as a problem in a child would be to terminate pregnancies. He argues parents should have the option to test for genetic "issues" and opt to end the pregnancy before it comes to term so the children dont have to "suffer" with any disease during their lives.

He isnt saying they should, he is saying they should be able to. The producers of the movie did interview an author on the genetic nature of Manic Depression about what she thought about this new eugenics. The woman suffers from manic depression and has made a suicide attempt in her past. She can make the pedigree of her family and show who has had manic depression and who has made attempts at suicide. She tells about how when she was diagnosed her doctor told her not to have kids because it was hereditary. Apalling of him, I know. She then argues that people shouldnt use eugenics to rid the population of her disease. The thing is, people with Manic Depression have a higher tendency to be extremely creative. She counters Watson with the fact that by ridding society of people like her, you would be eliminating a large portion of the creativity of the world.

He counters with by letting people be born with this terrible disease, you would be letting them suffer.

I sat through this movie for two days and at every turn I changed my mind. At first I was totally turned off to Watson's ideals, but once you see past the crazy you can see some truth and some respect for human life, sorta. Then I'm totally disgusted again. This movie made me so sdlhighodiag hdgndlghidogh. oh yeah.

So that was the past part, now on to the future.

My plan is to be a doctor, so lots of science. The only severly interesting part of it all to me is genetics. This is so vital to me that I have a stand on it, and all I'm getting is more confused. I dont want to be some crazed Hitleresque genetecist who let's you design your baby. I also dont want to be responsible for the suffering of a helpless being. I mean, sure, I have ten years to figure it out, but still....haha.

Monday, December 17, 2007

good day ~ why do all my posts have Tally Hall references?

so today was a good day. yeah im confused too. haha. ok not really. it was just one of those days when you feel like you just brushed your teeth, but it lasts the whole day. you know that feeling you have right after you brushed those pearly whites and you know you could take on the world and win.

the wierd part is that the way it started off was kinda sucky, but i liked it. i got up at that ungodly hour and got out of bed late, and unrested. i call the kids and tell them to put their shoes on while im rummaging through everything trying to find my skirt. so i throw on my new grey tights and my awesome navy skirt, find my gray polo and throw on the berks. oh great the kids are watching some dumb show about dinosaurs and i have to be the bad guy and pull them away from it. then as they are finally listening, im getting my books together and saying goodmorning i get some goodmornings i wasnt expecting.

then we all get in the car a cool half an hour late, but miraculously, there is no traffic. OH MY GOD. amazing. so im hauling down the highway and i can tell my tire is flat, but there is no stopping now. i drop the kids at the babysitters and im on time to my parking spot. miracle again. so i get out of the car, get my bags, and surge out into the blizzardy bliss for two blocks. not entirely bad mainly because me and snow are the best of buds.

so i get onto my school grounds by crossing from the end of a cul-de-sac to the school drive. of course its been plowed and there is that little mound of snow on the edge of the roads. i cleverly use a drive way on the cul-de-sac to avoid the first, but oh no there is the second. just to put this in perspective, ive been walking for two blocks concentrating all my will on not slipping and not getting snow in my clogs. this small snow mountain is my worst enemy at the moment. so i see that i cant just step over the snow mountain, i must mount the beast. so i take the step and oh thank you jesus it holds. for a second. so down plunges my tight and clog clad foot into two and half feet of frigid hell. i quickly step out and as soon as i think im home free, i slip.

it is probably the single most graceful fall ive ever had. i didnt make some obnoxious noise, i didnt fall in a wierd position. it was the chain of miracles again. i laugh and i get up and proceed to the last gym class of the semester where all that awaits me is a badminton test. of course i breeze through it. duh its badminton. i get out of the class first because im first done and i get up to my locker and put my stuff away, finish my biotechnology homework and eat my muffin. good freaking morning.

i spent all of english talking to some frizzles while im supposed to be studying for half of my final tommorow. they said i need to write a book on my life. they would buy it, score for 3 copies sold! i had forgotten to do my government homework so i throw together one of the most awesome responsible citizenship poster ever, my teacher is even impressed. little does she know....then im off to world religions where i get to listen to my old spanish teacher's husband discuss Islam. quite enlightening. art was actually tolerable, my pot is almost done, im naming it the beast. it is quite beastly. math was good, my teacher let me leave to register to vote for the primaries. christian lifestyles half sucked, half interesting. biotechnology, well we watched a movie about Watson, half of Watson and Crick the pair that discovered the double helix, he is crazy. he said:
Some people say we are playing god. Well I have a straightforward answer. If we dont play god, who will?

i messed around in the hall for about 20 mins and even got a ride to my car. oh rapture. i dont know why it was such a good day, but it was.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Force Force Baby

alrighty, so im supposed to reflect on force. what is force? can you force someone to do something? have you ever been forced? Is all force bad?

1. what is force?

I think the only kind of force is making a decision on someone else's behalf. Doing something that will directly affect someone else without their consent or consulting with them is force. Honestly, that is the lowest of the low. worse than betrayal, worse that lieing, worse than a slap across the face.

2. can you force someone to do something?

I dont think you can force anyone to do an action against their will. However, you can compel someone to do something they wouldnt want to. For instance (on a larger scale), take the child soldiers of Africa. They aren't forced into the armies, they are compelled to do so. If they dont, they are told, they will die, their family will be killed. There will be no one left. If they do go, all they have to do is, oh, kill their mother. If they refuse that, then they will both die. In essence, they dont have to do it, but what choice do they have? It is die now for sure or join and maybe not die. There are two options, just neither are appealing.

3. have you ever been forced?

Yes of course I have been forced. I am a teenage girl, the one type of person in the world who has to make decisions, but cant be trusted to do so. On the grand scale, I am the least dependable, the least moral, the least compassionate. stereotypically, I am a shallow, flighty unsurity. Because of this stereotype, people make assumptions and decisions for me. Dont get me wrong, they might feel they are doing it out of love for me. Mostly, it is a safeguard for them. Sure, it offends me, but the world is about power and they have it all. I could kick and scream and cry, but that will just perpetuate the stereotype.

I have also been forced by peers, by equals. Forced to let go, forced to leave, forced to doubt myself. Probably the pinnacle of it happening almost two and a half years ago, but I am thinking that just opened to door to the rest of it. What they dont see is that, yes, I do know what is going on, I just dont feel like talking about it. If they see fit to force me, then i dont want to stay, hold on.

I have been forced to see good things, to do good things, to feel good things. There are those people in your life who unintentionally force you to be a better person. Their attitudes and outlooks make you see their way. If there could be a silver lining of force, I think I just found it.

4. is all force bad?

This is the stickiest part. I think all force is bad because it discredits the person being forced. When you are forced, it is the assumption, whether it be consciously or unconsciously, that you have no intelligence in the matter. however, one could argue that force can be a good thing. That through love, when you make a choice for someone else it is ok. Like when my parents forced me to be baptised, to go to Catholic school. Yes, that is force, but I was a baby, a child. How could I make that choice? I couldnt, but the choice was posed to me later, when I could.

All in all, I wish people didnt see the need to force. I wish people trusted in others, in me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

AH HA! I had a bit of a revelation!

so today as I'm walking in the cold towards my car and contemplating how I'm going to avoide slipping, a red VW Jetta rolls up next to me and honks. Guess who it is? It's Gracie, my ex parking spot buddy. Oh how I've missed her witty-angsty-have-a-good-time attitude. I'm like, "yes no walking!" So I get in and in the 3 minutes it takes to get to my car, I realize just how much I love my friends. I mean sure its nice to get a ride to my car in the cold, but seriously, what the frick would i do without them? I have maybe 7 months left before we scatter across the country. Sooooooo, this means I'm gonna have to spend all my waking time having fun with them. (starting in january, there aint no way in hell I have time now haha)

There is that core group of girls that I tell almost anything to. Some are staying close, some are going as far as California and Florida. Last year we had going away parties and pool get togethers for our graduating friends, and this year its our turn. I always thought it was not big deal when the seniors got all teary because they are coming back on breaks right? I know I'm gonna be the most emotional one. haha. oh well. Now I realize I'm going to be making all new friends in less than a year, but that's never been a problem for me. I just have to make sure to keep the old ones.

excuse to party? oh I think so!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

snow, plans, and other things that im having fun with

soooo today I got an ice day, like a snow day but with freezing rain. Who knew you could be happy it was going to freezing rain? well never say never. I have a feeling its gonna be a good day.

so I looked outside and there is all this snow waiting to be played, huzzah.

tree decorating today, all 3 of them. obnoxious much? does it matter because its christmas time and everything is obnoxious? pics to follow?

ive discovered in this post that i have ADD, thats new. :D

so far, this has been my day:
  • wake up in a panic thinking im late for school
  • see the text from my best friend telling me about the "ice day"
  • rejoicing
  • more sleep
  • i roll out of bed when my little sister asks if i would go pick up her friend 20 mins away
  • i say no and grab some cereal
  • i log on
  • listen to some rock, as i should always be
  • log on
  • chit chat
  • blog
  • im contemplating either hot chocolate or a shower, im torn

Monday, December 10, 2007

Just Apathy: A Tally Hall Song and My Feelings for the Day

I'm too much or not enough
maybe everyone else is messed up
well anyway I cant seem to stay
in just one state of mind
this ones done and I'm an asshole
she's in the midst of my whole hassle
cus I'm back and forth
I get bored when she's no perfect find
cus it's one thing or another
I don't even know why I bother
one thing just tears her down
cus its one thing or another
I don’t even know why I bother
one thing I just cant get around

consider the possibility that you've been had
but not by me
we're just kids don't worry about this
my course is run and I'm so tired
till the next one comes inspired
I feel bad and I should I made her sad
and I knew it would
cus its one thing or another
I don’t even know why I bother
one thing just tears her down
cus its one thing or another
I don’t even know why I bother
one thing I just cant get around
I need to learn to wait in turn
cus now I just step blindly
and I'm only happy when
I can close my eyes and I just dive in
and forget about acting kindly
cus it's one thing or another
(cus it's always one thing or another)
I don’t even know why I bother
one thing just tears her down (one thing always)
cus its one thing or another
I don’t even know why I bother
one thing I just cant get around
still I know you wont let me down

so my great-grandmother died yesterday, and I don't want to say I feel nothing, but it's true. I got my middle name from her, she made my grandpa who he is. The thing is, I never really knew her. She lived thousands of miles away. Should I still feel sad? Should I still feel remorseful that I never knew her?

This is the third time this has happened. I don't know what to do. My grandpa died when I was about 12, my grammy died a few weeks ago, and now my great-grandma. Once again, I feel nothing. The first 2 I knew, i bonded to but nothing. I am just waiting for all of the emotion to burst forth any second now, but I don't think it's going to happen.

This brings me to the thought that I am emotionally stunted. Aren't girls supposed to cry over everything? Feel more strongly? So now I am ever watchful for things that might set me off, might make me just hit the bottom. It's scary thinking that at any minute you could just plummet into sadness. Then again it's scary that I might never. That I can't. *sigh*

Sunday, December 9, 2007

things to do today and for a while

ok this all goes back to September when my whore of a sister refused to get out of bed, 13 times. this causes me to be late for early bird gym. 13 times. subsequently my gym teacher gives me a detention. 13 times. so now i have to spend either an hour copying down religious articles by hand or spending 20 mins with my insane art teacher. 13 times. i have a week and a half to get these done. oh frickalick.

so finals in a week and a half. this means i need to get all my missing work in and completed perfectly for any salvagable grade. then i have to study. im not the kind of student who gets all nazi come december, im just trying to make sure i dont totally fail at life. i took extra classes this semester, dont ask me why, im just an idiot who likes to learn way too much for her own good.

on top of that, i got a speeding ticket for speeding in a school zone, i like to go fast, but i knew better. darners. so now i have a court date, coincidentally its during an actual final. how am i supposed to swing that? so now i have to take a trip to the courthouse after some detentions to see if i can change the date.

i also have a job. its necessary for me to function. i need to pay for gas, school stuff, anything i need other than shelter and food and now a huge speeding ticket then xmas gifts hurrah. so late nights on sundays and thursdays. the occasional monday. this takes alot of time out of the mounting homework pile i seem to be getting.

i didnt do any ministry this semester because they changed the deadlines in the ministry office. so now i have to go in and see the ministry coordinator and see if she'll let me do the entire years worth in one semester instead of having to do half in the summer, so i can avoid being a super senior.

pish posh for starters

what the frick?

Ok I think to start we all need to understand that this blog is just me talking about whatever comes to mind. That being said I think you should be warned it might not always make sense. Actually, I'm going to promise it wont. mostly. maybe. see what i mean? grammar, spelling, sentence structure...well I make no promises. I'm not really 100% sure on what exactly is going to be in here, a diary? books? movies? crap? we'll just have to see.

why pish posh ba gosh?
  • my sister said it a while ago
  • it was funny
  • i said it a million times after that
  • its a bit of a catch phrase for me


we are just going to have to see where this goes