Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stuck Between Me and You

I just added the list of rules to the sidebar of Pish Posh Ba Gosh. I think that, without explanation, they might seem condescending or paranoid or something. Please let me explain.

The biggest struggle I've had with this blog is that I want to write personal things on it without feeling self-conscious about it. I also want to write as if this is a private diary, but if I know for sure who is reading it and what they are reading I will start to write with them in mind.

Back in the day in free period, I spent a lot of time writing on this blog. My friend occasionally read over my shoulder or would pull up the site on their computer and then talk to me about what I just put up. I don't know why but I felt so vulnerable. The posts were so fresh and they were ready with a comment or question. I understand why, I just felt self-conscious.

Comments are OK, and I couldn't tell you why they are different, but they just are.

I don't want to write here for a specific audience. If I were to write something that I knew would upset someone who read this, I would have to leave it out or change a story. You know I don't like to lie, and I feel like an omission is a lie.

So basically, if you want to comment about it, feel free. There is a comment feature for that purpose. You know I'll get them and usually respond.

These rules are totally stupid.

Girl, You Must Be an Astronaut

So bad news...
My phone is out again. I feel disconnected.

Ed has the swine flu. He slept with me last night.

Probably won't be able to go to school next semester. Poor.

but good new too!
I got a new job. When I leave I feel.....happy?

My room is clean. I know, I was shocked too.

I glazed my lamp today. Well, half of it really. I'm pretty thrilled.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Was Floating Down That Riverway

So I guess I should update. I've really been trying to get on this more, it always makes me feel like I've crossed my t's and dotted my i's.


I put my two weeks in at Showplace and started training at my new job. It is very strange to start something new. I've been at Showplace for so long, I know everthing an employee can do there so I think my new job will take some getting used to. The silver lining is no more horrifying bowties! Or idiot coworkers!

I started my Christmas shopping, also. So far I have some clothes for my little goddaughter, but I think she needs a toy or two to play with while she looks so adorable in the clothes. I have a few gifts already picked out for some other people too. I like getting a head start, that way I won't be strapped for cash later.

The Fiero is running pretty well these days, but the Shaggin' Wagon is dead forever. It only took us 8 months for us to kill it. So as of right this second, we have a two-seater car for 6 people. Logistics nightmare.

I just got all my bowls back from being glaze fired and they look (mostly) awesome! Maybe I'll get some pics up here. I put my lamp in the kiln room to be fired so hopefully I'll have a lamp to glaze soon. My ceramics class has moved on to working on wheels and I am hopelessly bad at it. I work there for hours, get covered in clay and make maybe 2 successful cups. 2 not so hot cups. I guess it's ok, because they are cup shaped, but other than that...meh.

Biology was pretty hard because it was all chemistry but now we are on to genetics and DNA so I'm as happy as I could possibly be. ( a XXX female isn't as scandalous as it sounds)

My cousin just had her baby so now there are five living generations of my family. It's basically awesome. Holidays are coming up so pandemonium is sure to ensue.

I think I'll need to move out soon. Living at home just isn't smart anymore. I think it would be better (financially) for my parents if I was out of there. I don't know how I would do it, but I'll figure it out. Sooner the better.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Can You Feel the Pressure?

46 days until Christmas. I have give or take 30 people I'd like to get gifts for. I think I can swing it if I start buying things now. The problem is I put way too much thought into what I want to get someone. I'd rather get someone nothing than something they wouldn't absolutely love. So I have been studiously researching things for everyone on my list. I know what a few people are getting for sure and then ideas for quite a few more.

There are people I never know what to buy for. My parents for example. I know my mom should get something practical but I know how much she loves sentimental things and my dad is the other way around. He has what he needs (he's pretty simple) but he isn't the sentimental type.

I am making extreme progress on my gift finding though. I'm pretty excited. The internet is a magical gift. Now if I can work enough to get what I want and if I can, then if I could only find the time to go out and buy the stuff. Wrapping is a joke.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Everyone's Lookin at You Like They Want to Go Home With You

Every girl at my work loves to tell me all about their lives and who they like and what's going on with them. It's been like that forever. Girls like to talk to me. Girls who barely know me. I'm not sure why, but it happens.

Over the past couple years girls have been telling me that -in varying degrees- they like the guy I'm with now. Before I would just agree with them or remind them that he has a girlfriend or that he is their boss, depending on when they mentioned it.

So now when it happens, I can't help but laugh. I know what it's like to like him and for him to be oblivious. I all but gave up on him before he asked me out. It seems, though, that as soon as we started dating every girl in the building was amorous towards him and felt an enormous compulsion to tell me about it. One girl told me all about how they wanted to sleep with him and how hot he was...EVERYDAY.

We have to keep our relationship hush hush at work or he'll get fired, and I don't want that on my conscience. So these girls tell me all these things that I'm sure they wouldn't if they knew we were going out. I had to tell one girl not to keep saying these things because the other employees would think something was going on between she and him. Awkward.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm Not Together but I'm Getting There

Slowly, my emotions are inversing. The ratio of sadness/hurt to happiness is slipping towards the positive. I think I just need to let go. Let go. Let go. I can't make anyone see things my way. I guess it just depends on your frame of mind. It makes me sad that I'll probably lose an old friendship and a newer one too, but sometimes people walk away and you have to let them.

The world doesn't revolve around me, I know that. How could I expect other people to put my emotions before thier own? You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. You have to think of your own happiness before you can make someone else happy. I've said this before and I'll say it again, sometimes you have to be selfish.

However, sometimes being selfish comes with consequences. Those are the things you need to consider. Pros and cons. I understand it can be very tricky. Outside factors and all that.

People make decisions and that's that. You can't change the decisions you've made in the past, you can only affect the ones you are going to make. I choose the path of least resistance. I choose to step back and focus on the things in my life I can be a part of wholly. I will spend time on the things that make me happy. I do spend time on the things that make me happy.

I was the consequence, do not regret me. Do not try to undo what happened or pretend everything is ok. Everything is not ok. Best friends to aquaintances. It's happened before, it'll happen again. I want you to be happy, but I don't think that includes me.

I'm not completely back together, but I'm on my way.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


You know, everyone gets hurt sometimes. It's just part of life. Life, however, has decided that that's not enough for me. Apparently, I just need to get shat all over and then abandoned and then who knows? Maybe the sun will come out.

I don't know how much more of this I can take before I start having a serious psychological breakdown. I've had enough happen in my life to cover my "bad shit" quota for the next 50 years. I don't understand anything anymore.

  • I have no home.
  • I have a shitty job.
  • That shitty job is supposed to pay for my school, that will be a miracle.
  • My entire family acts like I'm some kind of burden.
  • I never see my friends anymore.
  • I'm seriously scared for my future now.
  • I must be the common denominator.
  • I don't know where to go or what to do or who I can depend on.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life is the Longest Death

You know what I've realized? That despite any good intentions or sense of responsibility I might have, I can never EVER do the right thing. It doesn't matter how strong my moral compass is or how hard I work to think for myself. Someone is always there to let me down or tell me off. I know this sounds whiny, but I don't give a shit, it's the God's honest truth.

Everyone is a critic, and everyone will take advantage of you if you give them the chance. So I'm going to be selfish and I'm going to be rash and independent. I'm going to do what I want, when I want and if I decide to let someone know, good for them, if not, tough shit. I don't have to answer to anyone anymore. I'm a motherfucking adult now.

I'll make my own decisions with no concern for anyone else's opinion because everyone has one. Enough people have chosen paths for me in the past and I'm so past done it's not even funny.

I'm tired of being let down.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

What you do to me makes me want to hurt myself. Some things I wish I wasn't right about. I guess I'm not allowed to be happy. I kind of hate you. I don't think I can talk about this.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Held Onto You For As Long As I Could

You know how fucked up my dad's marriage is? He talks shit about his own wife to his children and has to give me money in secret. He knows how she treats us, and how fucked up in the head she is. He is still with her.

Alot of people speculate about most aspects of their marriage. Such as why they are still together, why she is so rude to my sister and I, why my dad and her son don't get along, what attracted them in the first place. I know all the answers.

  1. My little brother. They both have some guilt over their previous divorces. Maybe they don't miss thier exes, but it's hard on kids no matter what anyone says.
  2. She is jealous of the relationship Becca and I have with our dad. When we are there, the spotlight isn't on her.
  3. She acted as if when my father admonished her son, he was being cruel or uncharacteristically rude to him. He never treated my stepbrother any differently than he would have treated us.
  4. I think her boobs, not sure. She's dumb as a rock.

My stepmom has been digging at me for more than three years now and she is finally starting in on my sister. Previously, Becca refused to see how rude Mary was to me, but now that the heat is on her she understands. Hindsight is 20/20.

She is why I never go there anymore.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nothing's Gonna Change My World

A lot has been going on lately. Sometimes I don't know who I can talk to because everyone seems to have an opinion about what I should do and who I should love. How I should love. How should I love? Tell me, do you really think you go to hell for having loved? I really need to know.

I'm so past happy it's not even funny, 99% of the time. It's that 1% that's killing me. Why do I feel a little guilty? It's not like I didn't make myself available.

Perhaps I don't feel guilty, maybe I feel unwanted. Burned. I needed this. I need this now. I put myself out there and got a little hurt. This time, I let it come to me and I'm appreciated. I'm doted on a little. I'm paid attention to. Two way streets are pretty nice.

I know it's wrong to compare two very seperate situations. Two very different people. It's human nature, though, to speculate.

Waking up in the morning to someone who isn't who you thought they would be, but loving every second of it anyways. It's a conflicting feeling, one I never knew existed. This is the time and this is the place to be alive.

P.S. This is my 100th blog post. Yay me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm Leavin', Never Comin' Back Again

So this has come up in previous posts, but just a reminder, I finally got to Canada. It was not at all what I expected. I ended up spending all my time with my grandma and people who are old enough to be a (great)grandparent. So....not what I thought.

We left on the first and stopped in Stevensville, Michigan. I totally almost died in the shower, but I was never that graceful to begin with. The next day we finished the trip up to Ailsa Craig, Ontario. It literally took us all of 2 mins to get through customs. (my passport picture is absolutely fugly, btw)

The people we stayed with were absolute angels. The whole reason we went up there was so my grandma could see the family again. She had almost married Jim, man of few words but those few words are usually hilarious, whose 2 brothers died within a month of each other last fall. So sad. His mother lives with him there, her name is Pauli and she is a nugget if I ever saw one. She's 86 and so faithful and willful. I was impressed. I also met Mary (Jim's sister-in-law), and her two kids, Doug and Sarah. All of them were so friendly and welcoming. I felt as if I had known them forever.

As nice as they were, the conversations weren't exactly vacation talk. I now know more about birds than I ever cared to, and if I have to talk about politics anytime in the near future I will crack and stab someone. I'm sick of it.

We went to Niagra Falls briefly. The falls are beautiful, you can't even imagine. I always knew they would be big, but they are so large and powerful that there is a huge plume of mist always encircling them.

Oh! I tried Poutine. If you don't know what poutine is, it's death on a plate, but it's the tastiest death ever. You don't even know.

Two things I love about Canada:
  1. Tim Horton's. Doughnuts and the best coffee I've ever had outside my own home.
  2. Money. They have loonies and toonies and all the bills are so pretty and sparkly.

I'm definitely going back, I just don't know when and with whom, but it's on.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The World Has It's Shine

I really should have seen this coming. I think what surprised me most is that it was the exact opposite of what you used to tell me, to reassure me. Maybe I was blinded by how happy I was or maybe I never thought you would do something like that. I don't know.

I'm not mad, I understand. I agree, even. I am just very sad. You probably don't want to read this, you probably won't read it. I bet you told yourself not to. Whatever, it's here anyways.

You really are my best friend. Not talking to you is very hard for me, but I will respect this decision. At first I was a little angry that you decided this all on your own. Why didn't you talk to me about it? You can't choose these things for me.

He was sitting there with me when I got those texts, but I didn't have the heart to tell him what they said. I just summed it up. It was so late and I couldn't decide whether or not to cry or fume or just accept it or what.

For the past couple days I've been thinking about it and I decided you were right. It wouldn't be fair at all, we would be doomed from the start. I'm glad you knew it because I certainly didn't. Sometimes I wish you were here to talk to about all this new stuff, but how freakishly inappropriate would that be?

I want to know how you are. I want to know how you felt when I told you. I'm not going to ask you. I'm not going to call or text you or email you. I desperately want to.

I got those tickets taken care of, FYI.

I'm not trying to bait you into contact, this is just the only way I can sort through all this for myself. I'm going to be fair to him and to you and to myself.

Maybe in a few months, once I feel secure, I'll throw you a line. It will be up to you to respond, but don't for one second think that those texts will be the last things you hear from me, you can't get rid of me that easily.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Boys Boys Boys, We Love Them

On the good news front:
  • My son-of-a-bitch, panda-ass whore of a boss was transferred
  • I'm gonna watch some chillens this summer
  • tan!
  • Makin some $$$

Today, I went to work and it wasn't so bad. More people came to see Hangover than I expected. Sooo glad I didn't have to close. Altogether a good day, even though it started with some groggy crabiness.

Stuff Katie wants to do this summer:

  • Fill up her diary
  • Go to concerts
  • At least one out of state roadtrip
  • Boy(s)?
  • Get into college
  • Save some lettuce
  • Swim at least once a week
  • Remember to tell the people she loves that she loves them
  • Paint something that actually looks like she has talent
  • Be more honest

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

She Was Born to Be the Woman I Would Know

I'm an independent person. I'm going to do things that maybe don't sit well with people. I think that I'm trustworthy enough to be left to my own devices. Most of the things I do, I do for me.

That being said, I don't always think about what other people with think or feel about me. Some people find this to be an attribute, others a fault. Either way, it won't change that I walk boldly forward with whatever I decide.

Some things I don't do alone and I do consider the other person. Sometimes these things are sensitive. For me. Regret isn't something I want to feel after the life I've led. I'm done looking back and feeling sick about what has occurred. That's why I do what I want when I want. I'm tired of worrying.

Things That Have Changed About Katie:
  • Regret
  • Appearances, specifically what other people think of me, not so much physical
  • Drama, I don't create and I don't partake
  • I used to be pretty high strung, not so much anymore
  • I used to let things get to me, but circumstances have dictated that I either let things go/roll off my back or be consumed with overwhelming stress
  • Now, Katie is priority one. I love my family and my friends, but I just can't pander to them all.

This may all sound a bit cynical or harsh, but I don't think I would be able to survive much more of the crap I've had to deal with in the last year if I didn't thicken my skin a little. I still love everyone, and I still care. Sometimes you have to just take care of yourself first, before you can think about what other people need.

I'm still the same girl, just a little smarter but at the same time a little more guarded. Lots of things have shaped me to be who I am now. Most of them bad, but quite a few marvelous.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stood on the Edge of Your Bridge Until I Felt the Rain

I'm kind of scared of myself. I dig myself these holes. I cry everyday, now.

I just want to erase everything from my past and start over.

Somewhere new, but still the same. I always think Seattle. At least then I could have the rain.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baby When It's Love If It's Not Rough It Isn't Fun

I've been pondering alot lately about the state of my life. I bitch, I moan, but where does it get me? No where.

I think a little piece of me enjoys the drama. It keeps my life from getting stagnant, but mostly it bugs the shit out of me. On that note, I got some good news today. My parents met with a financial planner to help them sort out their rediculous financial situation so that maybe one day I can go back to school and make something of my life. So my siblings can live in a house as a family instead of spread around our extended family.

I'm so happy my parents are taking responsibility and taking steps to improve this massively unsavory situation. All I can do now is keep saving my money and hope to God this all pans out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If You Say Goodbye Today, I Ask You to Be True

Indecision is something that people face everyday. It could be simply muffin or bagel? It might be as complicated as teacher or doctor? I understand indecision. I face it everyday, we all do.

The hardest aspect of it is when indecision involves the life of someone else. Then we have to consider their needs and emotions. That is sometimes forgotten. We think only of ourselves. It's not that we don't care about the others, of course we do! It's that we assume either A) they want us to do what we want despite any concerns we may have or B) we forget they will be affected by our choices.

What happens when you are the other person? When someone else makes a decision that impacts your life? I'll tell you what happens. You accept it. Whether or not you like it, you accept it. You think to yourself, they don't know how much it hurts you, and you choose to keep it to yourself, the pain. Why bring them into it? They should be happy, they should get what they want.

It happens. It happens to me all the time. It happens to everyone.

Your father marries a woman who doesn't love you. Your landlord evicts your family. They just want love, they just want to stay in the black. You deal with it. You might hurt for a while, but you just keep going.

You look to the future. You decide you'll think of others. You'll treat people right. You might suffer a little, but you don't want people to hurt like you hurt everyday.

All these things are slightly painful. What hurts the most is when they go back on the choice. They decide that they made a mistake, but the damage is done. You are a little more cracked. A little more raw.

And when they go back? It hurts again. That they think you and your emotions will just bend to their will again. You can't help but just accept it again. You liked how it used to be. You convince yourself it will be the same. That love you were afraid to lose, the comfort you had, you want it so badly.

You wonder how much longer it will be until you can't take it anymore.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fuck You Very Much

I wish people would just tell me what they fucking want from me. I am so tired of my "friends" and "family" acting like I'm one huge fucking let down when they are the assholes who screwed me over in the first place. I just want to slap the shit out of them. God Damn It.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Split Me Right Open and Look Right Inside, There's So Many Things That I Try to Hide

I broke down today. Finally.

I didn't see it coming because my day was going so well. I woke up this morning and it was raining, you know how I love the rain. I got dressed in a rush because I had to be to work at 8:30, but I made it relatively on time. My meeting went well and afterwards I went to IHOP with a coworker who I've missed lately. We both had some time and I didn't really want to go home so we saw Observe & Report. It was OK. Classic Seth Rogan. So far so good.

The trouble didn't start until after I'd dropped her off at work. I was driving home and it was pouring and out of nowhere I started crying. I'm not sure what set me off but I just totally fell apart. After being numb inside for months, all this emotion was pouring out of me and I could barely drive. I pulled into a parking lot and just bawled. Everything that upset me rose up in my mind -- my dad, mom, step dad, stepmother, school, love, money, work, my secretly dead dog, my grandma tried to kill herself again and is now in a semiconscious state -- and I couldn't run away anymore. I'm not sure how long I sat in the car.

I've never cried like I cried today before. Just pure, unadulterated sadness. I felt totally lost. When everyone you should be able to lean on is either gone or useless, who do you turn to? Sure I have friends here, but none I'd be comfortable laying all my problems on.

Sometimes when my guard is down, I'll let a friend in on a little bit of what's going on. Usually I get a shocked/unsure look and something along the lines of, "You are so strong." They are so wrong. I'm not strong, I'm weak. I push back all the issues and pretend like nothing is upsetting me. I just go numb because I don't want to face my real life.

When things get like this, all I want to do is run away. Start completely over somewhere new. I've considered something like AmeriCorps, a service organization that will house and give you living expenses in return for up to a year of full time service. I think spending a year without personal responsibility and drama in service of others would be so healthy for me. Telling the people I love is a totally different can of worms. Which is probably why it'll never happen.

If I get any more desperate for freedom, I might just go without a lot of notice. Sometimes you have to do things for yourself.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Know You're Gonna Find Your Way Back To Me

I just had an amazing, interesting 11 days. It was overwhelming, and amazing, and sometimes a little scary. Just getting to this point has been so unlikely. The fact that it even happened is a miracle in and of itself. Who am I to write it off?

The thought of even liking you never dawned on me. And love? Not in a million years. I wasn't ready to consider that. So when you told me you liked me I was shocked. How could that be? Why had I never thought of that? It didn't take me long to see that I liked you too. Alot. Alot more than I probably should have.

Still, it didn't really mean anything. There was nothing either of us could do about it. So we talked. Then, we talked more. When you talk to someone that much you either fall in love or start to get annoyed. I don't recall ever being annoyed. So when you dropped the L bomb, I was shocked again.

It took me some time to absorb that one. What was it, three weeks? How patient you are. It wasn't that I didn't love you, obviously I did. I just had to be ok with it before I could tell you. I was having a hard time justifying it to myself. How could I possibly love you? What kind of claim did I have to you? Once again, I said it back but there was nothing we could do. So we stayed just friends, kind of.

Half a year later, I'm on a plane to see you. I don't know how nervous you were, but the second I stepped off the plane into the hangar, I was a wreck. There was officially no turning back. What if our chemistry was a fluke? What if your family hated me? It's not like I could turn around, so I walked on. Then I saw you. You were standing there exactly like I thought you would be. Faux nonchalance.

One awkward hug and an extremely chivalrous baggage claim later, you got lost in a parking garage. And I thought you were smart...kidding. There began one of the best weeks of my life. I wouldn't change a thing. Well, ok maybe one thing, but not the thing you would change.

When I got home, I was sad, but everything went back to how it used to be. I think you had a harder time with the seperation than I did. That's how I've always been I guess. That's not to say I was happy about it, or even ok. I love you and it's hard to be apart from someone you love. Our disagreements got more and more frequent. Soon, I just wouldn't say anything because I was tired of not talking to you. I hated the awkward calls when we both knew I was mad but didn't want to actually bring it up.

Things got better, though. Your arrival was approaching and any friction we had was set aside because our happiness to be together overshadowed it. Once again, I was pretty self-conscious when I went to pick you up. I kept finding reasons this time would be different than last time. I kind of shoved those thoughts to the back of my mind so I could focus on the things I had to do. Drive. Remember where I lived. Breathe.

Looking back on the time you spent here, it was pretty up and down. Just a word to the wise, don't call a girl manly and you'll have more ups than downs. Everyone loved you though, I was so happy.

I'm not sure what we are now. I hope that we don't break and go back to what we were or end up not talking to each other. I don't want to lose my best friend. There are so many things I want to say, but I know I shouldn't. I guess we'll just have to hope that with time, it get's easier. I'll always love you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

They're like, "Alright, what you saying? Yeah can I take your digits?"

  • It's my mom's birthday. I totally forgot because I've had so much on my mind. Frickers.
  • I applied for a job at H&M last night, or this morning rather, like 3 AM.
  • Moving out is looking really appealing.
  • I like Diet Coke, I've been drinking alot of it lately.
  • My hours at work have been going back up, thank God.
  • I keep getting mixed signals and maybe I'm guy retarded but my brain is all messed up.
  • My great grandma is cute. Still sassy.

Friday, February 20, 2009

When You Walk My Way Hope It Gives You Hell

Hey you.

I'm happy. So to all those things that get me down: Fuck You. :D

Depression is so five minutes ago.


Today was a normal day, and usually I would be all emo about it, but not today. It was a good day. I woke up around noon, although I'm not proud of it. Took a shower. Had some Cheerios and raisins. Did some laundry. Cleaned up the garbage my dogs got everywhere. The family came home and I went to work. It went rather smoothly even though I had to use this ancient deathtrap instead of my nice, new skyjack. I came home around midnight. Just an ok day.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

So What, So I've Got a Smile On, But It's Hiding the Quiet Superstitions In My Head

I'm not going to school this semester and at first I was consumed with anger. I was angry with my mom for not being honest with me, I was angry with my dad for not keeping up with my life, and mostly I was angry with myself for not seeing this sooner. For not taking affirmative action. For not taking responsiblity.

Now, I am more at peace with it. I'm working more, I'm saving money. I found a car I might be able to buy. I've even started applying to universities again. I think that, although this situation is less than exemplary, there is a silver lining. I will go back in the summer to catch up.

That isn't to say I'm happy with it now. I'm most certainly not. However, this is something I can control, something I can fix.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bleeding Bells of Inner Guilt, Salvation Razor Thin

My mom is always on my case. She wants to know where I am, who I'm with, and what I'm doing all the time. Last night she called me at 1:30 in the morning while I was at a friends house because I wasn't home yet.

The thing is, I really don't care enough to call her to ease her worry. I'm just tired of putting up with her two-faced concern. If she is always taking my money but not paying my tuition then I don't feel obligated to ask her permission to live my life. I put gas in the car, I watch her kids, I sacrifice so she can do whatever shit she wants. Well I'm done. Forget going back to school for the spring semester, I'm getting the fuck out of there. I'm 19 and I can handle this. She can put on her fake sad face, I don't care.

She spends all her really affection on my siblings anyway. No matter what she says, I'll guarantee she still harbors feelings of blame for me. Whatever. I'm tired of being hurt.